My name is Tonya Swan. I began using this modality because a friend of mine in Tucson was using an Energy Genesis™ for her husband who was dying of fibroids in his lungs. There was nothing the doctors could do so she looked into alternatives. Out of the many things she found Energy Genesis™ was the one that worked. They did many sessions, reversed his problems and he was able to return to a better life and work again. My friend insisted I get one. I was not wanting a new job so I declined. She persisted and eventually convinced me to get one.
Now I am so glad she did as it gave my mother the energy to continue her life for a lot longer than she would have without it. It made it so she could go off her narcotic painkillers and gave her some pep in her step. Since then I have witnessed many people go in the Energy Genesis™ and have many different experiences. Some were spiritual, some physical, some emotional, and many a mixture of all of those.
What impressed me is that it seems to work on what is needed most even if the person doing the session doesn't know what that is. They open up from the experience and find healing in their way.
One thing I have loved about doing sessions myself is the deep meditative states I have reached in there. It always feels good to take a little break from my busy life and the world and go into that chamber. I feel like I'm in a pyramid in Egypt or something. It transports me to a different place. It also helped me get my math skills back after a car accident took them away and I was told they would not return. After several Energy Genesis™ sessions, they did! I am so grateful for that.
The other thing I discovered by accident is that Energy Genesis™ Sessions have a profoundly positive effect on people that have experienced loss and are grieving. I discovered by accident because when my friends lost a loved one, a job or a pet I put them in the Energy Genesis™ because I felt helpless to help them and wanted to do something. I have been shocked by the transformations I have seen. It feels like they get reconnected and come out with their feet on the ground ready to participate in life again. I am so grateful for this because it is such a hard thing to help people with.
That's my story. I also put my children in for stress reduction, my husband for healing, and others to help them reconnect to their real selves which I believe is a very important thing. I love how it's something we don't have to work at to do. Health maintenance takes up a good part of my life and it is nice to do something that is effortless. I hope you get a to try it. It is amazing.
All the best and many blessings,
Tonya Swan